Gateway to the Courier Digital Archives

All 177 issues of The Southern Courier are available right here to browse or search, providing a unique on-the-scenes view of the mid-1960s civil rights movement in the Deep South. For more information about file sizes, resolution, and access to the photo library, scroll down.


The Courier offers perceptive insights into life during the civil rights movement. Click on the image for a larger view.

About the Archives

Each issue is available in three different resolutions:

The Southern Courier Digital Access Project is funded by a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations in this website do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

To enter The Southern Courier archives, click here.

This archive is also available on DVD-ROM. Contact to order.

About Courier Photos

For many readers of the Southern Courier, the photos told the stories. No other paper, week after week, looked so carefully and and incisively at black lives, the civil rights movement, and racial realities in the Deep South. For more than three years, staff photographer Jim Peppler recorded the events and the people who shaped - and were shaped by - the civil rights struggle. A gifted photo-journalist who went on to a four-decade career at Newsday, Jim donated his 11,000-photo Southern Courier collection to the Alabama Department of Archives and History, which now holds the copyright to them. To browse this deeply moving photographic history, click here.